Dear Stardock,
Early last year I purchased Object Desktop and ran WindowBlinds 5.0 on my Windows XP.
Soon I noticed that most (if not all) skins break the close functionality on the system menu, e.g. double-clicking the icon on the left side of the title bar doesn't close the window as it should.
I struggled for a while and then finally uninstalled WB. I was unable to change my Windows habits.
Today, I was brave enough to give WindowBlinds another run. I installed the current 5.51 on a fresh Windows Server 2003, and found the exact same problem.
Am I really the only one with this problem, or are everybody else using some other shortcut for closing their windows? Since I actually work on my computer and must choose functionality over eye-candy, I was forced to uninstall WB once again. Maybe I'll retry again when 6.0 comes out.

I really like WB and would like to use it permanently so hopefully this single annoyance gets fixed.
For information, I made a screencast of my desktop with v5.51: this helps in locating & fixing the problem!