Something pretty..
Dear Stardock,

Early last year I purchased Object Desktop and ran WindowBlinds 5.0 on my Windows XP.

Soon I noticed that most (if not all) skins break the close functionality on the system menu, e.g. double-clicking the icon on the left side of the title bar doesn't close the window as it should.

I struggled for a while and then finally uninstalled WB. I was unable to change my Windows habits.

Today, I was brave enough to give WindowBlinds another run. I installed the current 5.51 on a fresh Windows Server 2003, and found the exact same problem.

Am I really the only one with this problem, or are everybody else using some other shortcut for closing their windows? Since I actually work on my computer and must choose functionality over eye-candy, I was forced to uninstall WB once again. Maybe I'll retry again when 6.0 comes out.

I really like WB and would like to use it permanently so hopefully this single annoyance gets fixed.

For information, I made a screencast of my desktop with v5.51:

Hope this helps in locating & fixing the problem!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 14, 2007
I've always found double clicking on the left corner more time consuming than single clicking the close button
on Jul 14, 2007
I agree - although it would be nice to have an option in WB where you can actually choose what the button does. It would really be handy.

I tend to close a window with both buttons, but it's not something I really care about anyway.

on Jul 14, 2007
I've always found double clicking on the left corner more time consuming than single clicking the close button

on Jul 14, 2007
Am I really the only one with this problem, or are everybody else using some other shortcut for closing their windows?

I save the second click and use a Single Click on the end button on the right. It's usually got and X on it (for Exit) but not always. In some cases if you hover your pointer over it you may see a tooltip that says "Close"

Since I actually work on my computer and must choose functionality over eye-candy, I promptly uninstalled 5.51. Maybe retrying again with when 6.0 comes out.

I've been "actually" working on mine since before Windows and I can never remember purposely using a double click on the program icon to close a window. Sounds like a carry over of a Mac trait. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this to be implemented in version 6. Your post's the first one I've ever seen complaining about this.particular issue.
on Jul 14, 2007
I agree - although it would be nice to have an option in WB where you can actually choose what the button does. It would really be handy.

Or maybe not ...
on Jul 14, 2007

I've always found double clicking on the left corner more time consuming than single clicking the close button

I've double clicked the left corner to close Windows almost 20 years. Maybe it's because I'm left-handed

Also find the Mac OS X / Finder UI difficult to use because of the cumbersome button placement..

I don't feel it's a minor "convinience" thing. WindowBlinds breaks the Microsoft standard interface, and Stardock should fix this.

For you information: I actually went and downloaded the skin studio and broke down my favourite theme in pieces. Tried to locate the action handler that is responsible for detecting and reacting to the double-click event. After 2 days of struggling finally gave up.

Also attempted to bypass the bug by using AutoHotkey and building a custom script that tries to guess when the user has double-clicked within a certain offset - almost got it to work, but after 3 days of debugging mysterious Windows message loops gave up

on Jul 14, 2007
Aren't there skins you can use that have left oriented buttons? a la mac? why not just add a close button on left to the skins you prefer?   
on Jul 14, 2007
I'm not saying it wouldn't work. For some. Sometimes.

I'm just saying it doesn't work for me. Most of the time.

I don't know what the cause is. I've tried removing everything suspicious, changed the hardware configuration etc.

Couple of weeks ago I was in a simliar situation ("Works for me" vs. "Crashes on me") when Safari 3.0 Beta just didn't work.

Later I found out why, as you can see

Software is hard.

on Jul 14, 2007

Aren't there skins you can use that have left oriented buttons? a la mac? why not just add a close button on left to the skins you prefer?

That could work, if all applications were themed. Gets pretty confusing when some apps close from the left corner and others from the right.

Of course I could always do a double-click, so depending on the app either the first or the second click closes. Unfortunately, this could cause problems later if there's a window or app behind the active one, and the second click performs something funny.

Nah, too confusing and kludgy. I prefer a consistent UI.
on Jul 14, 2007
Htalvitie - I'm a right button guy like some of the other posters. Truth is it was only recently, and accidently, that I discovered that double-clicking the left icon actually did anything. Also now realize double-clicking the task bar minimizes the window. Amazing even old dogs like me can learn new tricks

Double clicking the icon on my taskbars closes everyone of the Windows I've tried. I'm using Windowblinds 5.51 and AeroglassV5 by Ironjer. I'll try some of my other skins a bit later.

on Jul 14, 2007
My theory is that the overhead from WindowBlinds message-hooking and/or manipulation changes the order in which messages are processed.

Since the double-click detection involves timing and threshold checking, this would sound logical.

Maybe WindowBlinds causes the drop-down menu processing hook to override the double-click timer before it gets enough time to expire?

Haven't check my Petzold Bible since the Windows 95 era, so don't take it for granted

Anyway, here's a brief screencast from some message spying:

on Jul 14, 2007
I save the second click and use a Single Click on the end button on the right. It's usually got and X on it (for Exit) but not always. In some cases if you hover your pointer over it you may see a tooltip that says "Close"

I, on the other hand, try to avoid any repetitive strain injury and really dislike moving over 3000 pixels worth of LCD real-estate just to close one window.

on Jul 14, 2007
I, on the other hand, try to avoid any repetitive strain injury and really dislike moving over 3000 pixels worth of LCD real-estate just to close one window.


Sounds like Wb may just not be for you Harri..some things just don't like each other.. like.. myself and Vista for example  

No matter what your doing on your pc, your going to encounter repetetive movement.. I've learned to live with it. Maybe this can be fixed, maybe not..looks like you have investigated it pretty thoroughly and have yet to find an answer.. maybe it's time to persue other options. If i had a C-note for everything I wanted SKS \ WB to do.. that it didn't, I could take a couple of months off. Regardless, I still use it and love it.    

C'est la vie   
on Jul 14, 2007
Sounds like Wb may just not be for you Harri

Oh come on now.

I understand everybody's different and everybody has personal preferences. If you are happy with your WB, fine.

Maybe I'm picky, but when software I purchased has flaws, I expect the vendor to fix them - within reasonable limits - and not accept any guidance about changing my working habits.

Pardon for my ESL,
on Jul 14, 2007
I have yet to find flawless software was the point. Some i would love to use and can't due to various problems that other people may be able to live with but I cant.

I got a new Xp 64 bit disc from MS with my last PC purchase.. guess what.. Photoshop CS2 menus are screwed.. can't use it. So i use Xp home.. I adapt to suit my get the job done. You think adobe is going to accomodate every request and suggestion and pet peave of everyone who is dis-satisfied?

I understand why you want a solution, hope you find one.
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